Easter #crossequalslove

Posted April 21 2019

What is it that you think of when it comes to Easter?

The smell of hot cross buns with melted butter wafting through the air. Chocolate eggs are everywhere.

We go on Easter egg hunts, decorate our houses with bunny’s and baby chickens.

It’s a long weekend, for some a time for holiday, while others a break from work.

Easter though is much more than just a holiday where we have lots of chocolate. It’s a time of reflection & celebration.

We reflect on what Jesus’s death on the cross means for us. As he hung on that cross he was marked with a crown of thorns. Mocked by those around him, not knowing that they’ve crowned the true king who will take away our sins. As Jesus breathed his final breath he said it is finished.

He was buried in the tomb and on the third day, a day we celebrate with much joy, he rose again. He is not here for he is risen.

Jesus died and rose again so that he could take on our sins, but also bring us new life to anyone who believes in him.

The symbols of Easter, hot cross buns, eggs etc all show this. They aren’t just simply something we consume but a reminder of the significance of the cross, and the wonderful news of new life through his resurrection.

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